Wednesday, July 20, 2011

[eduMOOC] reflections

eduWhat? [MOOC], or Masive Open Online Course - the edu because this MOOC is about online education - a somewhat recursive affair, an online course about online education. So naturally there have been much discussion about what is and isn't a mooc, mooc design, mooc platforms and so on. And of course about online learning in general.  [eduMOOC] has about 2,600 participants - that's the masive part. The entrance is free, and it uses primarly [OER]s or Open Educational Resources. We are now in the fourth week of eight...

Hello world!

I'd been thinking of setting up a blog but did not want to start it if I wouldn't dedicate the time to keep posting. Now that I have "retired but not quite" perhaps the time has come to have the time...

This will be a personal reflection blog, as are the most interesting blogs. I'll mainly write for my own person 20 years from now -sort of to keep a record of my evolving interests and ideas. But at the same time I hope some day somebody will find these reflections interesting and will leave a comment...


He estado pensando en iniciar un blog pero no quería empezarlo si no dedicaría el tiempo neecesario para seguir escribiendo. Ahora que me he "retirado, pero no mucho", tal vez ha llegado la hora de tener mas tiempo...

Este será un blog de reflexiones personales, tal como son los blogs más interesantes. Escribiré principalmente para mi propia persona dentro de 20 años -como para tener un registro de mis intereses e ideas y su evolución. Pero al mismo tiempo espero que algún día alguien más encontrará estas reflexiones interesantes y deje un comentario...